We are looking for coaches for the 2025 season!
Thanks to our generous and dedicated volunteer coaches, SBR continues to execute fun and successful seasons year after year. Come join us!

Expectations & Guidelines
As a coach I will:
Remember that all the players are playing for their enjoyment, not for mine.
Place the emotional and physical well being of my players ahead of a personal desire or external pressure to win.
Remember that athletes play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
Teach athletes to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, opponents, other coaches, and volunteers.
Do my best to provide a safe playing environment for the athlete.
Ensure that all athletes get equitable instruction, support and playing time.
Remember that athletes need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.
Work in cooperation with officials.
Not ridicule or yell at my athletes, coaches or officials for making mistakes.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
Obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.
Role model the appropriate behaviours. Yelling at athletes, coach and umpires is prohibited.
Give equal access to infield/outfield, not in the same position all the time, batting order will also be rotated.
Coach Application Process
Step 1
Complete SBR Coach Application (every year).
You will need your RIS# and NCCP# to complete the application.
Coaches will be contacted once evaluations are complete.
Step 2
- Complete ​Softball Canada's Foundations of Coaching Softball (one time).
​​The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
SBR will reimburse this cost for coaches. Submit receipts to
You'll need to create an NCCP# to start the course as well as include it in your coach application.
Forgot your NCCP#? Retrieve it here.
Step 3
- Complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders (every 3 years).
The course takes approximately 3 hours to complete.
SBR will reimburse this cost for coaches. Submit receipt to
You'll need to include your RIS# in your coach application.
Step 4
- Complete the Calgary Minor Softball Police Check procedure (every 3 years)​.
Expiring police checks are updated annually. Check here to see if you're on the list.
You must share your results with Calgary Minor Softball via the online system. If you receive it in the mail, scan and send it to

Coach Training
SBR aims to support coaches through training and mentorship so that you have the tools you need to succeed as a coach.
Coach Development
Pre-Season Coach Meetings
Attend SBR Coach Orientation and On-Field Training
- ​Check Key Dates for more information.
SBR Coach Orientation is a mandatory virtual meeting for all coaches U9-U19 where the Coach Coordinator will cover details of the season, including SBR's Coach Expectations and Guidelines.
On-Field Training is facilitated by SBR Competition-trained coaches to provide support and learning to all coaches, including throwing, fielding, hitting, catching and pitching.
Note: Timbits Coaches will have a separate Coach Orientation meeting prior to season kick off.
Attend Calgary Minor Softball Category Meeting
Check Key Dates​ for more information.
A representative from each team must attend (preferably head coach and/or assistant coach).

Coach Resources
here. Find helpful videos, skills and drill exercises